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  • Writer's pictureMichael McSwain

Travel Season

Updated: Dec 3, 2019

This morning as I was preparing to leave for another business trip I heard Graham calling out from his room. I went in and he promptly asked for his mom! I bent over in an attempt to keep him quiet to avoid waking his sister and his mother. He wrapped his arms around my neck saying, "Dad, stay with me for a while." I sat down beside his bed in the dark. 30 seconds later I hear his gentle breathing go into rhythm. He's asleep! In these short moments my heart is filled with love.

I have had a steady stream of work travel this fall- Boston, Dallas, Portland, and now Memphis. I have been to each of these places before but am always looking for a new side of these cities I have not seen before. Each trip as I wait for my plane, I am reminded of the trip my Grandma and Grandpa took me on as a child to give me the experience to fly on an airplane. We flew from Charlotte to Nashville and it was truly the thrill of a lifetime. I have now flown all over the world on commercial planes, military planes, and Air Force One. The gift of travel is still not lost on me.

Being away from my family is hard but thus far I have had a manageable amount of work travel. Travel helps us see the world with new eyes and with a different perspective. My dream is to pass those experiences and perspectives on to my children.

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