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  • Writer's pictureMichael McSwain

Letting Go

This week our family experienced the same seismic shift that every family experiences. Graham went to Pre-K 4. Exciting and terrifying parenting moment all at the exact same time.

What a gift for Morgann to have the opportunity to stay at home with the kids since Caroline's birth. Our family has been so blessed because she decided to set aside her own career ambitions to shape and form our babies. For this reason, it was a huge change for one of the kids to be dropped off on Monday.

Graham has had an amazing first week at his new school, Lee Montessori - East End. We have lots to learn about the Montessori style but think it is a great fit for our little dude.

What new things will Graham be exposed to? How will he process all these new experiences? How will this shape him? Where has the time gone? I've been asking myself these questions all week. Cheers to all those who got the smile during the first week at the end of the day and especially to those that didn't.

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